Way to do it:
- Find a school for paramedic specialties close by. Google is your best friend.
- Email the dean an informal inquiry.
- Wait for the answer and go visit.
Minimum requirements for Berlin in my case:
- Approbation (M.D. registration)
- Some work experience in the field
- Note: Sometimes a pedagogic exam is needed, even though this usually does not count for higher education.
Money: 30EUR/h of actual teaching, excluding preparation time, beware of that this costs a lot of time for the first couple of lessons.

You can find a detailed story about this job here.
Details on scores
You do not work with patients, but with students, which is very, very rewarding too. Mine were super interested and highly motivated. Plus we did not differ too much in age, which made it a lot easier to connect.
As it is a freelance job it comes with a lot of flexibility. You could just say you have no time. Even though the roster of the students is fixed, so there is not much flexibility in when they will need a person to teach.
Freetime is up to you. In my case I just did lessons to replace a fully employed teacher. So I have more concerns over getting working hours than free time.
There is no real team. The other teachers and the dean were very nice to me. But in class you are by yourself. Team up with the students! They are great!
Lots of Karma points as I strongly believe education is the key to making the world a better place. One bonus point for encouraging a new generation to loose hierarchy feeding interdisciplinary fears. Cooperation between health professionals is the key to good care. Let those future therapists know, that doctors can be approachable nice people and go ahead and learn from each other!
Responsibility comes with impact.
There is a lot of diversity. I only got a list of subjects to cover, which I could fill in myself and if you try and work in an interactive way with your students it can only be different every time.
A certain amount of knowledge is necessary for doing the job. This is what you want to transfer. Even though too much depth can be hindering and make it too complicated. You can certainly learn from the students too.
No travel, except of the bike ride every day you work. For me it was actually nice as I caught the first sun rays of the day at the beautiful lake in southern Berlin.
I find the work quiet inspiring personally. Fresh ideas from a new generation with different background can give you inspiration for your practice.
It is all about medical content, even though in daily practice not of the most sophisticated type.
There is no real danger of security, as long as there is no shooting at the schools. Anyway the freelancing and rareness of a job does not give any security future wise.
There is no money in education. Financially it is not suited for making a big jump. If I calculate my earnings per hour and include the preparation time, I could have rather been shaking cocktails at a bar.
No bureaucracy here.