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Details on scores
Work with patient got 5 points. We are working with healthy subjects, not patients, but of course we do examinations and clinical diagnostics as in patients.
Flexibility scores 5 points too. It is no freelance job, where you can choose completely by yourself. We do have a certain schedule for times when presence of one doctor has to be assured. But we are free to arrange that internally.
Freetime is great. We have contracts for 16 hours a week while sometimes there is more work to be done and sometimes less. But in the end there is always lots of time left out of office. There are nightshifts too, but one can argue if that is a bad or a good thing, as you get more time off during the day.
Team got 7 points. It is a close team which even organises weekend activities together. Some penalty points because during the shifts you usually work alone.
Karma points stay low in here. This is not something corporate industries care about a lot. Still some points because we are the ones caring about the safety of the subjects in the trial.
Responsibility reached the middle again. There certainly is great responsibility in entering data correct or making sure the QTc time is normal. But in the end that should be self evident and it is limited by external and predefined regulations in the study design.
Diversity is hard to find in a regulated world. There will be different trials with slightly different end points but in the end population and activities are mostly the same. 2 points.
Knowledge got 3 points. My friend told me today, she is scared she will forget everything she learned while studying. If you already have some experience or keep it up in free time or with other jobs it is probably ok, but you do not regularly practice detailed knowledge on the job. Anyway you do learn more on clinical trials, study design and new developments in pharmaceutics.
Travel other than the always same metro is not included in the package. Only for team weekend we head to interesting destinations. 1 point.
Inspiration is mainly conceived from colleagues who have ideas and all stories to tell. The work itself scores 3 points for me, but I think that is very personal too.
Medical Content is surely higher than in other job options I am talking about but still it is quiet basic medicine and no pathology.
Security is high. One more upside of all the regulations.
Finance is good too. New trials mean more products mean more income for the companies, so they are willing to invest.
Burocracy could not be higher anywhere. Just as I said, communist governments would be proud and inspired. I have never signed so many documents in my life.