To get a new perspective can be simple sometimes. I found my love for medicine back slowly when I took the course for the travel medicine office. It just feels good to be learning something new again or gain more detailed knowledge or just repeat the former wisdom from uni times. It can be inspirational, especially when it is held by a gifted lecturer. Furthermore you can keep up your CME points and if you do a bit of research you could even travel to a beautiful new place all around the world.
Here are some short cut links to possibilities:
Travel medicine
in German language: CRM Basisfortbildung Reise- und Tropenmedizin 32 CME points, partly possible online, partly mandatory presence. Seminar is held by Prof. Dr. Jelinek, who I found is a good speaker. He has lots of practical experience and spicks his talk with vivid anecdotes. Costs: 595EUR
Travel to Sri Lanka and learn Ayurveda.
For example at the Institute of Ayurveda. The next three weeks Intensive Ayurveda courses are scheduled to take place from 17 Jul to 6 Aug 2016 and from 19 Nov to 9 Dec 2016 at the Barberyn Reef Resort in Beruwela, Sri Lanka.
“The course fee of Euro 1.900 includes two weeks of individual Ayurveda treatment provided by the Barberyn Health Center, which normally costs Euro 1120.00.” There are no CME points, but you could deduct your travel expenses from tax and enjoy a beautiful holiday on top of learning something outside our usual horizon. Return flight from Europe 400-600EUR. Food and transport within Sri Lanka are cheap. Accommodation can be a bit more costly.
You are an academic humanitarian activist
but not sure which NGO is suitable for you or what you can deliver? Join for learning more about humanitarian principles, international law and framing issues at NOHA spring or fall school. The international and interdisciplinary network aims at making the world a better place with a wide ranged educational approach. Cost: 300EUR, duration 1 week. Including hostel and coffee/lunch, not including flight and diner.
Botox Courses
are offered all over the world. I know in Germany there are several courses, that are usually booked out way in advance. My friend did one here. Costs are around 1500EUR. Read the story why botox ist not only evil here.
For focussing more on yourself,
what you like, how to deal with worldly and non-worldly problems or find a more fulfilling job take a course at your local school of life. They offer several courses in the field of philosophy and psychology in cities all around the globe. Watch their video on youtube. Or read my story about it here.
Take single modules of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicines Master Courses
Love waves, sun and sea?
Are you an excitement junkie? Emergency medic perhaps? Check out the yearly ASLS (advanced surfing life support) courses by the Surfing Doctors Europe (or worldwide) Association. The last event in 2016 took place in beautiful surf Mekka Ericeira, Portugal. Where is the next rescue journey going to be at?
This course is accredited by most medical associations for CME points.
Or more of a mountaineer?
Not scared of height? Hanging on a rope? Get your International Diploma of Mountain Medicine in the marvellous alps (Austria, Switzerland, Germany)
This course is accredited by most medical associations for CME points.
Still not enough?
Try wilderness medicine.