
Many doctors worldwide are frustrated in their current hospital workplaces. Financial pressure, bureaucracy, hierarchy and working hours make it a hard-knock life sometimes. Especially young colleagues are looking for alternative ways to bring their knowledge and ideas to society. Sometimes the point is just to live a happier life themselves, sometimes they want to make an impact and change the system for the better.

Should I stay or should I go? When I started looking into alternatives to the usual career path, I noticed how hard it was to find good information on other possibilities. The more I started to get out there and talk to people, I noticed there actually is a wide range of things you can do.

On this site I want to share my own and others experiences to be an inspiration for students, young and older medical professionals, who want to break free too. No matter if it’s just a temporary escape or final decision, you can do something. Look into the posts and feel free to get in touch or leave a comment for exchange of ideas, criticism, advice or any question. I would be very happy to hear from you!


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