Feel like you could use an escape? Tropical destination with sandy beaches, mountains, jungle, great food and nice people? Surfing, hiking, chilling? Don’t want to choose? Go see the stunning island of Sri Lanka. I have been twice this year.
It has a marvellous coast line, which I haven’t even seen half of. Warm waters, no wetsuit needed. Waves, wind, snorkelling, diving, swimming is all in the range of possibilities. You prefer wildlife? No worries. There are several national parks, hosting elephants, leopards, monkeys and boat tours to see dolphins and wales. I even accidentally almost stepped on a scorpion inside our jungle room, but I am sure there are safer luxury options if you prefer. You can really find anything.
The mountains are beautiful and a good escape from the heat. They are covered with tea plantations and herb gardens. In the north recent history reveals itself around a much less touristy area unless well-maintained infrastructure. Culture differs around the country being closer to India with Tamil Hindus in the north and Buddhist and Christians in the south. But it really mingles a bit overall.
What I probably liked about the country the most is, that I could actually connect to local people very well and much better than in other asian countries. They might think you are crazy, but are they wrong here? Their english is usually quite good or even better than ours. And they will be more than happy to ask about where you are from and whether you are married. I always felt safe and just had a good time.
And if you are already there, why not combine the pleasant and the useful? Learn about Sri Lanka’s advances in public health. While being a 3rd world country and certainly developing still, I saw ambulances everywhere and there are a few things they do quiet well. One big milestone is that they eradicated Malaria from the island. Everyone uses Mosquitonets. They are very aware of Zika risk too. Second public health concerning point is the ban on import of cigarettes and highly priced local packages just as a highly constrained trade of alcohol.
But of course the main difference in Sri Lanka concerning medical treatment is the big role of traditional medicine, Ayurveda. There are dispensaries to find everywhere. Even medical schools award a great role to it in their curriculum. Without wanting to make a personal statement on the up- and downsides of this kind of treatment I certainly do believe that the general public in western countries has a great trust in a more natural and holistic approach to medicine and it can certainly serve as a tool for trust, well-being and complimentary treatment. Last but not least it is probably a better choice for simple community illness than antibiotics most of the time.
So why not follow a course with the real experts?! Maybe you can even deduct the costs of your trip from tax in your home country?
I found some links to ayurveda schools in Sri Lanka, but I haven’t tried any myself. You can find them in the course section.